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Julie et l’univers
March 22, 2024 | 7:30pm
Orillia Opera House

Tickets: $35 / $15 for Students and OCA members

Inspired by a painting by Jean-Paul Lemieux, and set in a wintry landscape reminiscent of Lemieux’ childhood in Quebec City, the work explores the interior lives of three young women on the cusp of adulthood, alternating between the utter wonderment and discovery of youth and the uncertainty and loneliness of adolescence. . .

Artist Credits
Choreography: Laurence Lemieux
Piano Performance: Jeanie Chung
Dance Performance: Morgyn Aronyk-Schell, Sierra Chin Sawdy, Claire Whitaker
Music: Franz Schubert Piano Sonata in B-Flat Major, D.960
Lighting: Noah Feaver
Set Design: Simon Rossiter
Costume Design: Krista Dowson
Photography: Jeremy Mimnagh
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